In today’s hectic world it can be easy for organization to take a backseat to your daily tasks. I am the type of person that needs an organized workspace in order to keep my thoughts organized. Here are some suggestions on how you can keep your workspace organized:

Start with a blank slate

Remove all items from your worksurface. Sometimes it is easier to start with a blank canvas and add what is most important (like that coffee mug).



Determine what items are most important and used frequently. Keep these items in easy to reach areas (Pens, phone, important documents, etc.)

Pencil Cup

Add a pencil cup and get rid of any unneeded pens/pencils. This will help create a designated spot for your writing utensils so they aren’t strewn all about. This will also help you feel less cluttered; it doesn’t have to be anything fancy – a mug will do!


Determine your storage type.

Do you like to create piles or do you tend to keep your information stored in files? Determine your filing type and add the best type of storage for you. This could be more file cabinet space for your files or more open space for your piles of paper.

Add Monitor Arms

Adding monitor arms can help clear off additional desk space. Since your monitors will be raised off your desk, you will have more space underneath. This will help create a clean, uncluttered feeling.

What helps you feel more organized?